Visit Blocked Websites with Extension

Visit blocked websites with extension method, just follow the steps and get your free VPN Service with no cost at all and enjoy surfing.

We will be discussing, how to visit blocked websites with the extension method in this article. As far as it is concerned with the Internet, we all felt someway in sometimes that some websites are out of your reach. And you are blocked to visit those sites. Or you are able to visit the sites but could not benefit from its content like video or images. It's not like you are the only one who is restricted, but it's your IP location which is targeted to be blocked or restricted. Sometimes websites owner do restrict the contents of their website to their home country only.  So only visitors from a particular country can visit or surf their websites and their services.

In another case, many countries block websites, which are potential risks. On another occasion due to some of their own research, like promoting pornography or sexual stuff. That's why countries block such websites for their citizens. Each country has a unique set of IPs assigned, which works as an ID Card, it's your virtual identity, so those IPs get listed to be blocked, or geographically restricting websites for a few specific countries, which means it's not only you who is affected but others as well in your country or parent ISP, as sometimes your ISP blocks websites as well because they have control over it. Basically, you can say there are 2 types of restrictions Host & Guest

What is Host Restriction?

In Host restrictions, they make their websites available for only their own country or few others, so the rest of them can't visit or access it, like AGT (America's Got Talent) is a very famous reality show by NBC TV in the United States of America, but if you try to access their website, you can visit but when you try to watch shows on their website, it will say that it's not available for your region so this is Host Restriction, they are not allowing non-US visitors to watch their contents.

What is Guest Restriction?

Guest Restriction is mostly applied by the Country's communication department or Internet Service Provider, in countries like Pakistan, India, Iran & others, Govt bans websites frequently on the ground of policy violation or guidelines, in past YouTube was blocked for a long period in Pakistan, then recently Tiktok faced suspension in Pakistan as well as India, by the time of writing this article Tiktok is still banned in Pakistan as the site can't be reached message appears.

There are many methods to counter & tackle this issue either with VPN & Proxy service, today in this article I will be showing you one of the best, easiest and free method, as there is good VPN service which are paid, means you have to pay to use their services, but this method is free & easy, you will get access to all blocked websites and surf them anonymously with no issue. This method is going to be Extension Method, you will be gonna use your web browser i.e Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. Just follow the following method and get your free extension for VPN.

Visit Blocked Websites with Extension:-

There are tons of ways to visit blocked websites with ease, some of the features include third-party proxy websites, where you can simply visit such sites then put blocked URL, and you will be surfing the restricted sites, but we are here to use Extension Method, which is Browsec extension or you can call it plugin, addon. It will allow us to use top-notch countries i.e USA, UK for free, and when turning it On, you will see the magic, you can visit blocked websites with no trouble.


  1. Open your Web Browser in which you wanna still this VPN.
  2. Visit this "Browser Website" by clicking on it.
  3. Once you are in, ensure the correct browser icon is selected under the Install button.
  4. Then click on Install Browse for Free.
  5. You will be jumped to Store. (For Chrome, Chrome Web Store, Firefox, Mozilla Addons)
  6. Simply click on the "Add to" button and it will start installing.
  7. Once installed, you can see the Browsec icon on the top right sidebar.
  8. Click on it to turn it On/Off.
    (Currently, Browsec provides, 04 Countries Free including US/UK/SN/ND)

Browsec is one of the best free VPNs, easy to use and quick to switch between countries. Give it a try and decide for yourself.

Video Tutorial:

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My PC Tips| Fix Issues: Visit Blocked Websites with Extension
Visit Blocked Websites with Extension
Visit blocked websites with extension method, just follow the steps and get your free VPN Service with no cost at all and enjoy surfing.
My PC Tips| Fix Issues
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